Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blog #16

Reflect on your semester and year in biology What were your successes? What were your failures?
What did you learn that you will never forget?

In this year in biology I had many successes and failures. The biggest success is being able to do many different projects, assignments, and computer work at the same time. At first it seemed a bit overwhelming but after I got used to it it became easy. A failure maybe not paying attention to much in class. I always found myself asking for more intrustions on what to do. The one thing I learned that I will never forget is that I need to switch my deordorant and toothpastes every 6 months so bacteria does not get used to the brands I use. It may seem like a small fact but who wants to have bad breath or smelly armpits, I don't. The other things I learned in biology I cannot necessarilly say I will not forget.

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