Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blog #15 Dissections: Frog and Fish

In the past two weeks we have dissected a frog and a fish. Even though they are two completely different species, one being a fish the other an amphibian, with many differences, they also have similarities. The most noticable similarity is that the two species both have an endoskeleton with a large amount of muscle and can have a decently wide range of motion. Also because both species spend a good amount of time underwater they both have an extra membrane that covers their eyes.

A few of the noticiable differences is where the species live, and how they breathe and move. As a child the frog is a tadpole that lives underwater and breathes through gills, like a fish. But as it matures it changes into a frog and developes lungs and lives on both land and water. Also as a tadpole the frog moves by swimming, but after maturing it hops from lilipad to lilipad. The fish, however, swims underwater its whole life.

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