Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blog #16

Reflect on your semester and year in biology What were your successes? What were your failures?
What did you learn that you will never forget?

In this year in biology I had many successes and failures. The biggest success is being able to do many different projects, assignments, and computer work at the same time. At first it seemed a bit overwhelming but after I got used to it it became easy. A failure maybe not paying attention to much in class. I always found myself asking for more intrustions on what to do. The one thing I learned that I will never forget is that I need to switch my deordorant and toothpastes every 6 months so bacteria does not get used to the brands I use. It may seem like a small fact but who wants to have bad breath or smelly armpits, I don't. The other things I learned in biology I cannot necessarilly say I will not forget.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blog #15 Dissections: Frog and Fish

In the past two weeks we have dissected a frog and a fish. Even though they are two completely different species, one being a fish the other an amphibian, with many differences, they also have similarities. The most noticable similarity is that the two species both have an endoskeleton with a large amount of muscle and can have a decently wide range of motion. Also because both species spend a good amount of time underwater they both have an extra membrane that covers their eyes.

A few of the noticiable differences is where the species live, and how they breathe and move. As a child the frog is a tadpole that lives underwater and breathes through gills, like a fish. But as it matures it changes into a frog and developes lungs and lives on both land and water. Also as a tadpole the frog moves by swimming, but after maturing it hops from lilipad to lilipad. The fish, however, swims underwater its whole life.

Blog#14 Dissection

I believe the fish is the closest to humans out of all we have dissected. The fish is the only specimen that not only has a endoskeleton but has a comple muscle system like humans. The other specimens have a muscle system but they are not as complex as the fish's and the fish has a wide range of movement like a human.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blog #13 This Week's Disection

I found it interesting how little pertection the crayfish has for its internal organs from its exoskeleton. For humans we have so many layers of pertection for our organs, so to see an animal with such little pertection is almost scary. I'm glad I have all the pertection I have.

Blog #12 Worm Disection

What surprised you from the worm's dissection?

During the worm dissection the thing that suprised me the most was how the dirt in its intestins does not changes much in form from when its eaten. For humans our food is digested and the waste does not look anything like what we consumed. I am not say that humans are closely related to worms but it still was strange to me. 

Blog # 11

Get a picture of alternation of generations put it in your blog and explain how it relates to plants

Alternation of Generation is a way for plants to reproduce sexually.