Thursday, February 24, 2011

This Is My Selection (Blog #4)

Describe the three types of selection: directional, stabilizing and disruptive and give an example of each in your own words
Directional, stabilizing, and disruptive selection are the thre types of natural selection.
Directional selection is where a single trait is favored causing the frequency of the trait being dominant greater. The trait maybe recessive but with directional selection the recessive trait is favored so eventually it will become fixed.
 An example of directional selection is the fast trait in hunting dogs. Dogs that hunt need to be fast to catch their pray so their genes began to allow them to be faster and faster.

Disruptive selection is where two extreme sides of a trait are favored over the intermediate trait. This means that the differences in the trait are very obvious, which creates two different species that grow in different directions.

An example of disruptive selection is the galapagos finches.

Stabilizing selection is where the diversity of a trait decreases and the species has the same trait.

An example of stabilizing selection is a syberian huskie.

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