Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Blog #8 IMing With A Disease!!

Me:Wuts dat pain n my head?
Disease:O dats jst me
Me:U? Who r u?
Disease:Old Meningitis
Me:Meningitis, wuts dat? N y r u hurtin my head so mch?
Disease:Im only a inflamation of da protective membranes round ur brain n spinal cord. im hrtin u cuz there iz to much pressure on ur brain
Me:How did u get n me?
Disease:Well there r many dif ways i can get n u. But i got n2 u by a contagious virus. Im suprised u rnt vomiting or hav a fever, usually dat virus causes dat too.
Me:Well im glad i dnt have either of those! How can i get rid of u n ur awful headache?
Disease:U can go 2 the dr. n get antibiotics, those shuld help. Im sorry im giving u a headache, its just n my nature.
Me:Its ok uv been helpfull, kinda. 

See full size image

Me:What is that pain in my head?
Disease:Oh, that's just me.
Me:You, who are you?
Disease:Old Meningitis.
Me:Meningitis, what is that? And why are you hurting my head so much?
Disease:I'm only an inflamation of the protective membrane around your brain and spinal cord. I am hurting you because there is too much pressure on your brain.
Me:How did you get in me?
Disease:Well there are many different ways I can get into you. But I got into you by way of a contagious virus. I'm suprised your not vomitting or have a fever, usually that virus causes that too.
Me:Well I'm glad I don't have either of those! How can I get rid of you and your awful headache?
Disease:You can go to the doctor and get antibiotics, those should help. I'm sorry I'm giving you a headache, its just in my nature.
Me:Its okay, you've been helpful, kind of.

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