Tuesday, October 12, 2010

 In the article, the link is given below, the gathering and killing of Badgers in Pembrokeshire, Whales, has been halted by an appeals court.
Badger activists had supplied the outcry to stop the killings.
The Badgers had been culled because they were believed to be spreading the TB virus to cattle. The virus had been killing, and still is, most of the cattle. The cow farmers have been losing money so they wanted the source of the TB to be culled.
But the problem with the cull, in the judge's eyes, was that it was given to all of Whales instead of just a specific area. So the judge agreed with the Badger activists.

I believe this is important because it gives insight into foreign policies and how foreign governments work. The government in Whales is similar to the government in the United States, it has a similar appeals court. Also animal activists are similar in Whales. They fight for the survival of almost any animal.

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