Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog#7 Hot Zone Safety

When entering a hot zone there are many precautions and precedures taken to secure the safety of those going into the hot zone and the possible spread of the pathogens in the hot zone. First, anybody that is entering a hot zone, or a level 4 biosafety area, must wear a multilayered Hazmat suit that is equipt with a personal life support system. Second, the hot zone itself must be isolated from any surrounding building or other parts of the building it is in.

Third, to enter and exit a hot zone one must go through multiple rooms that include shower rooms, ultraviolent rooms, vacuum room, and other rooms with safety precautions designed to kill the virus. Also the rooms are secured with multiple airlock systems. Fourth, all water used in these rooms or in the hot zone itself goes through processes to kill the viruses. Lastly, all people that enter the hot zones must be thoroughly trained in what to do in an emergancy and what precedures to take when there isn't an emergancy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog 6 Hot Zone Poem

Infectious, Unknown
Vomiting, Bruising, Acheing
Shocks, Depersonalizes, Changes Color, Takes Over

See full size image

Blog 5 Bacteria, oooohhhhhh

A good bacteria I found is lactic acid bacteria.
Lactic acid bacteria converts lactose into lactic acid which can be easierly used by the body.
Some people though have a poor lactose tolerance so the ingestion of active lactic acid bacteria helps them convert the lactose easier.
A bad bacteria I found was salmonella.
Salmonella is a motile enterobacteria that can be passed from warm blooded humans and non-human animals. Most infections of salmonella are caused by the inguestion of infected food. The bacteria causes such illnesses as typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and the foodborne illness (food poisoning). The first two illnesses can be deadly to humans and animals.
See full size image

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

 In the article, the link is given below, the gathering and killing of Badgers in Pembrokeshire, Whales, has been halted by an appeals court.
Badger activists had supplied the outcry to stop the killings.
The Badgers had been culled because they were believed to be spreading the TB virus to cattle. The virus had been killing, and still is, most of the cattle. The cow farmers have been losing money so they wanted the source of the TB to be culled.
But the problem with the cull, in the judge's eyes, was that it was given to all of Whales instead of just a specific area. So the judge agreed with the Badger activists.

I believe this is important because it gives insight into foreign policies and how foreign governments work. The government in Whales is similar to the government in the United States, it has a similar appeals court. Also animal activists are similar in Whales. They fight for the survival of almost any animal.