Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog # 7: Biomes

Compare and contrast two biomes describe them in detail include pictures of plants and animals you are liklely to see
Tropical Rain Forest
  • Canopy is formed from the ends of tall trees meeting.
  • Under the canopy a second layer of trees and vines form the understory.
  • Hot and wet year round
  • Nutrient-poor soil
  • All forms of greens
  • Herbivores, Birds, Insects, Fish, and Reptiles 
Tropical Dry Forest
  • Rainfall is highly seasonal
  • Trees shed their leaves to conserve water during dry seasons
  • Warm, alternating wet and dry seasons
  • Rich soil that can have erosion take place
  • Succulents, orchids, bromeliads, and tall trees that create a canopy during wet seasons
  • Tigers, monkeys, large herbivores, insects, many large mammals, birds, and reptiles.             

Blog # 8 What is Confusing Me?

Why is it important to know the population density?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Food Pyramid: Blog # 6

I believe that the carbohydrate, or grains, level of the food pyramid is the most important. Carbohydrates give the body all the energy it needs. Without energy humans would not be able to survive. Protein can strengthen the body and give energy but the most energy comes from carbs.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Cause of Extinction: Humans; Blog # 5

There have been five mass extinctions in the history of the Earth. Most of them where caused by natural climate change. The others are thought to have been caused by either the movement of techonic plates, volcanoe erruptions, or a collition between Earth and a comet. But it is thought that a sixth mass extinction is rapidly headed towards Earth. It is also believed that humans are causing this extiction. The things that humans are doing to upset the ecosystem are transforming landscapes, introducing alien species to enviroments, the overexploitation of species, and polution. These things are quickly changing the Earths climate, and if history is to repeat itself (as it allows does) when the Earth's climate changes quickly a mass extinction is bound to happen.