Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog #3 Non-Carbon Life Forms

I truly believe aliens exist out in the universe somewhere
but I believe they are most likely made of carbon.
Out in space there are so many different stars that are made up of carbon. The carbon particles have drifted out into space. And because carbon easily bonds with itself and other elements it is a very strong element. That is why all life on Earth is made of carbon.
So if there is other life forms out there the easiest way they were created is through carbon.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Metric System #2

You know we all have to learn the metric system in school so why don't we just switch to it already??????

When we have important rockets blowing up because they parts were not made to the same scale there obviously is a problem!!!

I can understand that many Americans will complain that it would be to hard to learn a new system if they are unfamiliar with it. But the metric system is all based on multiples of tens, a second grader can count by tens!:) I'm sure in a game like football the distance of the field would still be 100 yards even if we are on the metric system because its just programmed in our heads that that is the distance.
Yet for important measurements such as train tract distances and medicine formulas a standard international system should be used.
The chances of a mistake being made when everybody is on the same system is far less than if they had to constantly convert measurements.

So when are we going to switch????

Thursday, September 9, 2010

School Goals

This year I want to continue with my good grades.
I always strive to do my best in my classes, I don't know why I guess I'm old fashioned. 
I want to excel in sports. 
Also I want to start playing my guitars again! I love music but where is the time to play??
Those are my two major goals for this school year, but as the year goes on I'm sure my goals will grow.